email me or call me @ 917.664.1768

You found me.

What was it that brought you here? Did you search for content marketing or website writing or was it freelance or copywriter? Maybe it was an industry specialty that steered you my way. Transportation & Logistics? Supply Chain? Technology?

No matter. You’re here, and I’m glad.

So let’s talk about you. Maybe you’re a marketing director or content manager at a company who needs help with blog articles or white papers? Perhaps you’re an agency with a client who needs a website overhaul or just an update to their services page? Or maybe you’re a designer or creative director who needs help with case studies or collateral?

Great. I bet I can help you. Clients tend to like my ad agency-style strategic process and how I come up with lots of creative approaches. They also appreciate my collaborative nature. And they rely on my versatility of being able to provide quality writing for everything from researched articles and lofty brand messaging to hard-hitting emails and crisp product video scripts.

Maybe you will, too. The best way to find out is to look at my writing samples and how I work page. If I seem like a good fit, email me and we’ll set up a short call to discuss your needs.



Bennett IG moves amazing loads over land. They do the biggest, heaviest ...


Case studies play a powerful role in the sales funnel by providing ...


NAFA Fleet Management Association brought me in to help market a one-of-a-kind ...


I wrote this article on fuel-saving tips for Outbound magazine which is published ...

What Our Clients Say

“Congrats man. The nursing ad got 110 phone calls the first day it ran. Nice job. Thanks again for all your hard work.”

– John Perls, Owner, Creative Director Crazy Mouse Media Advertising

“Conrad Winter… Where do I start? To label him a copywriter is an injustice to his array of talents. He is a joy to work with to say the least—and to say our brainstorms and collaborative sessions are fun is a complete understatement. His impulsive and spontaneous approach to thinking, writing and creative collaboration is additive. He has helped us develop some of the most dynamic, award-winning advertisements that the agency has to show for—he is a true benefit and resource to us. The best compliment I can pay Conrad is usually my last words to him as he heads out the door…”So when you coming aboard?”

– Paul Cirigliano, Creative Director at Morello+Company

“Working with you is always fun and inspiring. I always feel confident that we’ll come away with some kick-ass work.”

– Christine Anderson, Owner Rowhouse Design

“Conrad did a great job getting our yellow page advertising to work for us. We were spending a lot of money on advertising that was getting lost in the crowd because it looked like every other ad in the book. Conrad was able to come up with a concept and then put together copy and graphics that conveyed the message we were trying to get out to our customers. Conrad is both creative and professional and very easy to work with. We look forward to working with him again.”

– Scott Rimland, President Cardinal Development

“Thanks Conrad! The work you did for us was great!”

– Creative Director Tracy Locke

“Conrad, thanks again for the work you did for the Verizon Direct Mail Piece… The client really enjoyed all the ideas.”

– Anonymous Designer

“Conrad Winter? What an ace copywriter. I just recommended him to MetLife for a huge project they are thinking of doing.”

– Anonymous Marketing Director

Should You Be Podcasting: Benefits of a Written Blog

Podcasts are undeniably sexy and growing in popularity in transportation and logistics. But make sure your written blog is optimized and consistent before you go all-in on audio and video. Even if you produce a popular blog, you might fall short of your objective: generating search traffic and qualified leads. Search engines rely on text-driven […] Continue Reading →

Write a Newsletter: 10-1/2 Reasons Why

LinkedIn gets all the attention these days. Blogs too. And sponsored content. But for many reasons, an eNewsletter deserves a place in your marketing mix. Newsletters have this magic quality to them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sent out my own and heard back from someone that says “Your timing couldn’t be […] Continue Reading →

2023 TMSA ELEVATE Conference Raises Top Issues in Transportation Sales and Marketing

Nothing beats spending three days with your people talking about shared areas of interest.  The Transportation Marketing and Sales Association’s annual conference provides a prime opportunity for people in the business to dive deep into topics closest to their hearts. There’s nothing like it in the industry and its rare to find an association this […] Continue Reading →

Sell Sheets: Meet the Diamond in the Rough of Marketing Materials

Photo credit: When you mention a great new program (offering, service) to a prospect and they say “yeah, send me something” a sell sheet is what you send.  Its purpose is to convince them that what you’re offering is perfect for their needs and unique among all other options out there, whether it’s freight brokerage, […] Continue Reading →

Put Your Marketing Materials to the SUD Test

If your webpages and sell sheets aren’t Substantive, Updated and Differentiated, you’re missing opportunities to sell. I’ll tell you a little secret: prospects really do need, and want, you to sell to them. Companies picking ecommerce fulfillment providers, shippers deciding on their next TMS and importers figuring out the best way to move their cargo—they […] Continue Reading →

Tips for countering the Great Resignation in transportation and logistics.

Three TMSA events explore the impact on driver recruitment and provide best practices for hiring and holding onto them. The transportation and logistics industry is feeling the effects of the Great Resignation the same as every other industry, maybe even more so. After all, trucking was short 80,000 drivers before the pandemic even hit. The […] Continue Reading →

Natural vs scripted – do you really have to choose in video?

Recent video work for Flexcon Containers shows the possibilities for a natural, scripted video. When it comes to company videos, everyone says to keep it natural. That’s a good idea for customer testimonials or employee interviews where rough edges only make the footage more authentic and believable. But for demos, like a lot of people […] Continue Reading →

Why is it so hard to get coworkers to contribute to the company blog?

Theoretically, coworker-sourced content should work.  You have subject matter experts (SMEs) who are willing to write blog posts. Some may even be aggressive in suggesting pieces they’d like to write. That’s great for your brand – company technical experts are the most credible source of information for buyers – and it can be a boost […] Continue Reading →

10 writing tips for short-staffed transportation and logistics marketers.

Marketing directors and managers wear a lot of hats these days. With the pandemic, I’m seeing their workloads intensify even more as their staff numbers dwindle and budgets for freelance are being cut. On top of steering their all-important brands, they’re also performing an array of design, production, optimization and analytical tasks. But the place […] Continue Reading →

How long’s it been since your last post: Weeks? Months?

It’s time to get past the frustration and get real.  I get it. You’re busy. You have product people clamoring for materials for the upcoming trade show and meanwhile you haven’t done a blog post in months while your website redesign has been dragging along in the sitemap stage for-ever. If it makes you feel […] Continue Reading →