My time-tested approach for coming up with lots of ideas in a short time frame. You know, there as a time not too long ago, when clients would actually give you two weeks to come up with concepts for an ad. Yup. One ad, two weeks. These days, you’re lucky if you get two days […]

The Truth about Drinking and Writing
Will drinking help your writing, or will it just make people think you’re drunk? You ever wonder whether there’s any truth to all that Hemingway, Bukowski lore about liquor somehow lubricating the creative process and making you write beyond your potential? Well, I have a few “valuable insights” gleaned from my experiences writing, drinking, and […]
The Beaucoup Benefits of Working with a Professional Copywriter
Even designers who write, can benefit from working with a copywriter. Are you one of the designers who can write? They do exist—I know, because I’ve worked with them. But no designer is an island, especially when it comes to words. Even if you know how to turn a phrase or crank out a post, […]
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