Case studies play a powerful role in the sales funnel by providing proof to prospects that leads to trust. This case tells how a leading bike manufacturer is using the New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) to solve an operational problem, protect client relationships and save money. Additionally, it shows importers who are unsure how NYSHEX […]
How copywriting contributes to a great customer experience.
No one wants to do business with a computer, or have a relationship with a robot. It’s creepy. That’s why it’s important to keep your web copy, content, case studies and email communications personal. That’s not an easy task as companies become more digital and virtual. Nevertheless, making your writing personal is my number one […]

I wrote this article on fuel-saving tips for Outbound magazine which is published quarterly by Trimble Transportation (formerly TMW Systems). I interviewed three industry experts who offered relevant advice for fleet managers and owner-operator truckers alike. The piece contains practical tips ranging from equipment hacks to behavior changes and technologies that can aid in reducing their diesel costs […]

Flash Global does what no company does. They are service supply chain experts who partner with technology giants like Cisco to manage their warranty replacements and service level agreements worldwide. In other words, they’re the ones responsible for replacing mission-critical parts, like say a server for an Egyptian telecom, in under two hours. Their services […]
What does it take to become a “shipping partner of choice?”
Use referrals, case studies, and video to demonstrate proof of performance. Perhaps the greatest takeaway I received at the recent Transportation Sales and Marketing Association conference came during the shipper panel. It was the opportunity to listen to a panel of prominent decision-makers live and unfiltered. The panel members are part of a very elusive […]
How to boost the persona-appeal of your high-value web pages.
(Part 2 of my 3-part guide to writing genuinely customer-focused website copy.) Are you talking to yourself? I feel like I should interrupt, but I don’t want to be rude. It’s an easy trap to fall into when it comes to the copy on your website. We spend so much time defining a mission and […]

I used an outside-in approach to help NYSHEX develop website content that appealed to the needs and concerns of three distinct audiences for the exchange: carriers, shippers and 3PLs. In addition to getting to know the markets and what motivates them, I dove deep into understanding the exchange and how it works. I also employed […]

Case studies don’t have to be long and scholarly to have an impact. These examples for the ocean carrier, SeaLand, deliver an enticing taste of what’s in store for customers without going into a lot of detail. As a new company, they didn’t have many examples or a lot of specifics to work with. But […]

I helped develop the brand messaging and website content for SeaLand. We positioned this iconic brand from the 50’s as the people’s shipping line—an ally of businesses and champion of the hopes and dreams of all the Americas. The tone is exciting, personable and bubbling with can-do spirit—a complete departure in the shipping industry, and a perfect fit […]