

“Conrad Winter… Where do I start? To label him a copywriter is an injustice to his array of talents. He is a joy to work with to say the least—and to say our brainstorms and collaborative sessions are fun is a complete understatement. His impulsive and spontaneous approach to thinking, writing and creative collaboration is additive. He has helped us develop some of the most dynamic, award-winning advertisements that the agency has to show for—he is a true benefit and resource to us. The best compliment I can pay Conrad is usually my last words to him as he heads out the door…”So when you coming aboard?”
Paul Cirigliano, Creative Director at Morello+Company

“Congrats man. The nursing ad got 110 phone calls the first day it ran. Nice job. Thanks again for all your hard work.”
John Perls, Owner, Creative Director, Crazy Mouse Media Advertising

“Working with you is always fun and inspiring. I always feel confident that we’ll come away with some kick-ass work.”
Christine Anderson, Owner, Rowhouse Design

“Conrad did a great job getting our yellow page advertising to work for us.  We were spending a lot of money on advertising that was getting lost in the crowd because it looked like every other ad in the book. Conrad was able to come up with a concept and then put together copy and graphics that conveyed the message we were trying to get out to our customers. Conrad is both creative and professional and very easy to work with.  We look forward to working with him again.”
Scott Rimland, President, Cardinal Development

“Thanks Conrad! The work you did for us was great!”
Creative Director, Tracy Locke

“Conrad, thanks again for the work you did for the Verizon Direct Mail Piece… The client really enjoyed all the ideas.”
Anonymous Designer

“Conrad Winter? What an ace copywriter. I just recommended him to MetLife for a huge project they are thinking of doing.”
Anonymous Marketing Director

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